To be an entrepreneur is always a dream for most of the people. To build something that becomes essential to everyday life of the people is always exciting. Many of the young entrepreneurs have gone through these difficulties of building something meaningful, building up a team and working together to make other people’s life better. This is where an organization is born. The hardship and cooperation bring back more business that helps in the growth and strong foundation of the organization.

This is the nurturing phase of any industry but when we flip the coin we find the disruptions that have struck the organization and have caused the fall of many business empire. Always there is a need for a good management process that can asses the risk and develop plans and strategies to mitigate the risk that arise in the growth of the organization. This process by which we can provide the availability of services even during handling disaster and risks is known as Business Continuity.
Business continuity (BC) is defined as the capability of the organization to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident. (Source: ISO 22301:2012)
When we emphasis on the planning phase in the business continuity the mode of operation is focused at the protection or finding alternatives for the interrupted business processes. The potential impact of a disaster is in the form of reputation, finance and health.

As we develop an action that comprises of mitigation, preparing for, responding to and recovering from a crisis event there is a need for reorganization of resources to alter the consequences through better strategies and planning. Such a step taken for adapting and surviving through the recurring disruption called into being as resilience.
Even though the term resilience is coined from the meaning bouncing back, in business-related terms resilience is focused on future more than coming back to the past form. Resilience adds up more strength to the operational mode after it has been disrupted by an event.