Category: Risk Management

Business Continuity | July 18, 2018

Peer Collaboration to effectively Manage Third Party Risks

Background The threat landscape is increasing everyday, and so are the need to comply with the changing regulations, and all this in alignment with corporate goals. When we consider third-party […]

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Cyber Security | July 18, 2018

Dealing the Risk with Smart Things

During this period of digital transformations TPRM is the buzz word for most of the corporate services. When TPRM deals with analyzing and controlling risks attached to the operations, data […]

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Business Continuity | July 5, 2018

Leveraging Third Party Risk Assessment

A risk develops when there is a threat exploiting the vulnerability. Nowadays the security concerns have reached a level that even the trusted associates or the third-party vendors can be […]

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Business Continuity | June 29, 2018

Third Party Risk Management – Why is it required

Companies having a global presence would often be doing business with various third-parties to offer the end product or service. Choosing a wrong third-party could cause very serious finance and […]

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Basics | June 27, 2018

Risk Treatment Methods

Risk – The potential for loss, damage or destruction of an asset as a result of a threat exploiting a vulnerability. The effect of risk can be positive or negative. […]

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Basics | June 25, 2018

Risk, Threat and Vulnerability

Risk, Threat and Vulnerabilities are the technical terms that are frequently used interchangeably. Although they are related to each other, they have different meanings. Consider a  situation like you are […]

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